
BuLa Story - Prologue

Future needs origins ...

If someone were to set about writing a history of the Swiss Scout Association, he would actually find very few occasions on the basis of which the development of our movement could be shown. This is a consequence of the federalist structure of our Confederation, in which the main focus of activities can be seen above all in the cantonal associations and the affiliated divisions.

... so that the past is not forgotten

An exception to this rule are the federal camps, which have always united positive forces to achieve a common goal.
Nine national scout camps have been successfully staged since 1925, and to a certain extent one can see a reflection of the development of the Swiss Scout Association, or SPB for short, in the numbers of participants, the activities and the programmes.

In 1980, a federal camp was held for the first time together with the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, so we can now be sure that a real mile- stone was set in the history of Swiss Scouting.

If we take advantage of the opportunity offered by such a joint effort, then the 2022 national camp will successfully follow in the footsteps of its predecessors.

But enough of the preliminary remarks! Let's take a look at the camp books and photo albums that are available to us. They fill us partly with smiles but also with appreciation of the way each generation mastered its time and its problems.

Scout EXPO Team

PK 1. Schweiz. Pfadfinderlager Bern 19251932 Bundeslager Genf - Offizielle Postkarte1938 Bundeslager Zürich Offizielle Postkarte
1925 Bern1932 Geneva1938 Zurich