Scout & Guide postmarks of Switzerland update
It is more difficult to find a letter or postcard from the 2nd national camp in 1932, or from the 1st International Rover camp in 1931 in Kandersteg. At the Geneva camp, the boys could already phone home from the camp, and there was certainly little writing for this reason. At the 1931 rover camp, older scouts of rover age were gathered from all over the world, and many card greetings to foreign countries must have gone into the waste paper basket. At that time, hardly any scouts thought of collecting stamps or a to build up a scout collection. At that time, there were only isolated covers for such a collection. There were also only a few scout stamps before 1925, but already in 1939 one could count 65 scout stamps and 10 postal stationeries. Today there are over 1400 stamps and far more than 2000 special postmarks. In Switzerland, 4 postage stamps were approved for the 50th anniversary of the Scouts in 1963 and for the anniversary of the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1969, as well as for the 100th anniversary in 2007 and for the Federal Camp in 2022. In addition, there are now more than 52 official Boy Scout and Girl Scout postmarks, including the 13 famous sub-camp postmarks at the 1966 Federal Camp. It is thus possible to build up a nice Scout collection for our country alone.
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